Louise Reyneke Properties

As deel van ons volgehoue betrokkenheid by DIE VALLEI waarin ons woon en werk, wil Louise Reyneke Eiendomme graag die nuutste “happening” in ons area met julle deel.


Leoni Smit (kunstenaar en stilis) wat saam met Ian Simons (kunstenaar) die Kuns Akademie, Van Riebeeck Schuur begin het, gee die volgende deur aan Alle Kuns en Kultuur Entoesiaste


Tina Schouw tree op as Solo kunstenaar

15 Junie 2012


Van Riebeeck Schuur Kuns


Akademie nooi julle uit om die opening van die klein teater en kunsskool by te woon. Op 15 Junie tree Tina Schouw, jazz en folk kunstenaar, hier op.


Ons wil dit n maandelikse instelling maak om kaliber kunstenaars aan die Riebeeckshof Vallei bekend te stel...ons wil geken word as die teater waar gehalte tel -  die akoestiek is uitstekend en die atmosfeer knus en intiem, die gebou outentiek.


Die teater is geskep in die ou wynkelder en kan ‘n gehoor van 130 huisves. Die oogmerk is om slegs musikante wat internasionaal gereken kan word,op die lysie te hê.Dit alles op die historiese werf van van Riebeecksplaas, een van die oudste plase in Suid Afrika.


Ons stal op hierdie aand juwele en handgemaakte skoene uit in die Schuur langs ons teater en verkoop CDs van Tina. Mans,hou julle beursies vas!


Die studio, van Riebeeck Schuur, bied teken, skilderkuns en fotografie klasse vir volwassenes en kinders aan en beoog ook in die toekoms  amateur digkuns,  kunsfilm aande en figuratiewe tekenklasse.


Kom drink n glasie wyn en geniet die gees van verfyndheid!


Skakel en bespreek vir

Tina Schouw

Leoni Smit 074 6921211

Of epos leoniy.n@vodamail.co.za

An amazing group of  four ladies in the Welgedacht area have put together an enticing house market to raise funds for their mission trip to India on the 9th of August 2011.
The neighbourhood and tight knit community came together to show their support at the food and art market on Friday, 29 July. Art works, colourful ribbons, flowers, cakes and beautiful things were on offer. Just delicious!
Don't miss the next market on Thursday, 4 August from 10:00 - 17:00.
We at Louise Reyneke Properties wish them a safe and successful mission!
If you would like to visit the next house market in Welgedacht or contribute to their outreach, contact Miemie Bartel on 083 454 6519 or email miemie@bartel.co.za.

As part of our commitment to the community we live and work in, we at Louise Reyneke Properties would like to draw your attention to the following:





When:  Friday, 12th August 2011

Where:  Barnyard Theatre, Willowbridge

Time:  20h00 (doors open at 18h30)

Cost:  R120.00 per person

Please support us!

Please respond by Wednesday, 3rd August 2011

Contact:  corne.verhoeven@telkomsa.net

After many years of petitioning the municipality, permission was now granted to the residents of Protea Valley to close the alley ways between Welgemoed and Protea Valley. These alleys give access to unwanted work seekers in the wider Valley area.

Closing the alleys is however a costly exercise.

A fund raising initiative was therefore launched where by Protea Valley, in conjunction with others, is hosting an evening at the Barnyard Theatre. The Protea Valley Resident’s Association (PVRA) is selling tickets for this event and encourages all Valley residents and friends to support them by buying tickets through the PVRA.

For tickets and further enquires:

Contact:  corne.verhoeven@telkomsa.net

 Image for LRP0030

Add value to your property by utilizing your outside spaces and make the best of those sunny winter days! Showcase your property’s views or garden by creating an outside living room or dining area.

See more of how to utilize your outside balconies by visiting Web Ref: LRP0030

Image for LRP0028

Weather resistant furniture, planters and wood panels create an extra living room outside!

 For more visit Web Ref: LRP0028


How to treat a section in your garden where no grass wants to grow…why not opt for pet friendly artificial grass!

See more of this MODERN HOME by checking out the Web Ref: LRP0028


Accentuate a double storey staircase by adorning it with a gorgeous chandelier!

See more of this SMART HOME by checking out the Web Ref: LRP0024

At Louise Reyneke Properties we strive to provide our clients with our best possible advice and information to make buying property a joyful experience.

A question on many property owners minds recently have now been raised in the latest Entrepreneur Magazine (www.entrepreneurmag.co.za) where the question was asked:

Is investing in property a good way to maximize on my cash?

(Is property the best way to invest?)

And the following Answer / Solution was given:

“It has been long proven that the foundation of wealth invariably starts with the ownership of property. If you can afford it, then it is preferable to purchase residential property as this has proven to be a sound medium to long-term investment.
Because of the challenges presented by the National Credit Act, and a CPIX inflation that hovers above the 6% mark, The South African property market is
presently a buyer's market. Due to the prevailing economic factors, the supply of property is greater than the demand. This means that you are likely to find yourself in a position to drive really good bargains”

Two recent bank reports confirm this statement.

1. The latest ABSA Home Loans report of 3 May 2011 states:

Despite the lowest current domestic interest rates in more than 35 years, the housing market is going through relatively tough conditions.

This is mainly driven by the following factors that impact negatively on many consumers whose ability to afford housing and qualify for mortgage finance is impaired:

In conjunction,

2. The current FNB Property Barometer of 2 May 2011 provides insight into the residential property market in South Africa via their quarterly survey of Estate Agents and shows that

While the current talk is about

a year – on – year house price shift in real terms (therefore when adjusted to consumer price inflation) continues to decline to the tune of -2.8%.

All these factors impact negatively on the average buyer’s ability to secure a substantial bond.

However, qualified buyers are in the pound seats as this is an opportunity for those who are able to, to secure excellent properties.

A word of caution, timing is the key. No one knows when the market will start to bottom out. Do not wait until house prices start to rise again as this can happen overnight.

As an ongoing service to my clients in my service area of Kanonberg Lifestyle Estate, Welgedacht Security Estate, Protea Valley, Van Riebeeckshof, Oude Westhof and the greater Welgemoed neighbourhood, I will post important information that may influence your selling and buying experience from time to time.

A water bylaw that will increase the cost of selling a house has been approved by the Cape Town City Council and has been promulgated by the provincial government.

In addition to the obligation that faces Sellers of residential properties to provide certificates for beetle, electrical and gas compliance, Cape Town Sellers now also have to submit a plumbing certificate from an accredited plumber as proof that water installations on the property comply with national building regulations.

Transfer of properties would be subject to compliance.

The new clause would read as follows:

"The seller must, before transfer of a property, submit a certificate from an accredited plumber certifying that:

1. the water installation conforms to the National Building Regulations and the water bylaw;

2. there are no defects;

3. the water meter registers;

4. there is no discharge of storm water into the sewer system,"

Such a certificate would therefore confirm the absence of leaks, that there is no discharge of storm water into sewer systems, and that the water meter is functional and the sewer system intact.

This bylaw affect the installation of irrigation systems, wells, boreholes, well points, and water sources other than municipal water supplies such as storage tanks. It will also implicate solar heated water installations and make sure that it complies with the relevant standard set by the South African Bureau of Standards in terms of the Standards Act, 1993 (Act No. 29 of 1993).

This amended water bylaw includes many additions and clarifications of the previous bylaw promulgated in 2006.

I would dearly recommend that you should get a certificate of compliance on completion of any water installation or any changes to the water installation on your property to ensure that the work is done appropriately.

A copy of this bylaw could be found on www.capetown.gov.za/en/Documents/Water_By_Law_26Mar2010.pdf

The following Good News from the budget speech.

A revised transfer duty structure will apply to all properties acquired under purchase agreements concluded on or after 23 February 2011.

A significant effect of these amendments is that it is no longer more expensive to purchase property in a legal entity (Company, Closed Corporation or Trust) than in a natural person's name.

For properties that cost more than R600 000, you will now pay transfer duties as follows:

Purchase Price

Transfer duty payable

R0 – R600,000 no payment
From R600 001 to R1 000 000 3% of the purchase price
From R1,000,001 – R1,500,000 R12 000,00 +  5%  of value from R1,000,000 - R1 500 000
From R1,500,001 – unlimited R37 000,00 + 8% of value from R1,500,000 and above

As an example;

Comparing transfer rates on a property for R3 000 000

New Transfer duty for both natural and legal person now payable:

On first R1 500 000 = R37 000

From R1500 000 to R3 000 000: R3 000 000 - R1 500 000 x 8% = R120 000

Transfer duty due:  R37 000 + R120 000 = R157 000.

Previous transfer rates would have amounted to

R185 000 (R25 000 + R2 000 000 x 8%) for a natural person and

R240 000 (R3 000 000  x  8%) for a legal person which was charged at a flat rate of 8% irrespective of the purchase price 8%

Therefore the biggest saving would be on the transfer of trusts and companies as in this case the saving would amount to R83 000. This is good news for those who would want to buy their properties specifically into their family trusts.

Information to all my clients in Welgedacht, Kanonberg, Welgemoed, Protea Valley, Van Riebeeckshof and Oude Westhof as issued by The Communication Department, City of Cape Town

Tygerberg Nature Reserve is scheduled to perform a prescribed ecological burn on 1, 2, 7, 8, 14 and 15 March 2011. For safety reasons the reserve will be closed to the public on these dates.

Surrounding residents are advised to keep their windows shut while burning takes place. Flammable items such gas canisters should be removed from outside areas, and laundry should be taken off washing-lines to prevent odour contamination from smoke. Sprinklers may be used to dampen gardens and lawns as a further precautionary measure.

The dates may change depending on the weather conditions on the day. A 50 ha area will be burned on the north-western slopes of the reserve (Plattekloof side). Staff from surrounding reserves and Fire and Rescue Services will assist with the burn.

The reserve staff will ensure that the procedure will be conducted efficiently and safely. Fire breaks have been maintained and widened where necessary, and fire-fighting equipment and fire hydrants have been tested to make sure everything is in working order.

The required burning permits have been obtained, and Fire and Rescue Services staff have conducted a pre-inspection of the area.

Tygerberg Nature Reserve conserves one of the largest remaining areas of the critically endangered Swartland shale renosterveld. Controlled burns are crucial for the management of renosterveld, as fire plays a fundamental role in its lifecycle. By removing the dense canopy created by mature vegetation, sunlight is allowed to penetrate at ground level, which helps with seed germination.

Too frequent fires can lead to a decline in slow growing species, whereas fires that are too infrequent lead to the domination of mature plants. Carefully managed burns are therefore necessary to obtain maximum species diversity. Another advantage of burning old vegetation is that it reduces fuel loads, which in turn reduces the risk of future wild fires. Renosterveld should burn somewhere between every 5 to 10 years.

The single biggest threat to renosterveld is the rapid encroachment of development which has led to its depletion and fragmentation. To conserve what we have left, it is necessary to simulate a natural fire pattern.

Tygerberg Nature Reserve, situated on the hills of Tygerberg, is one of more than 30 nature reserves and natural areas managed by the City of Cape Town. Renosterveld is renowned for its diversity of plant life, and the 309 ha reserve boasts 562 recorded plant species and new species are continuously discovered. To date, 23 plant species are threatened with extinction, and three are endemic to the reserve

Reserve Management would like to thank all the residents in the area for their understanding and co-operation.

For more information, please contact Penny Glanville on 021 913 5695, e-mail tygerberg.naturereserve@capetown.gov.za or visit www.capetown.gov.za/naturereserves

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